Sunday, May 31, 2015

The supplements are coming...the supplements are coming!

No, not the British.  The annual SAFE Supplements to our hingeless country stamp albums are finally in route from Germany.  You can pre order the 2014 Annual Supplements on our website so that you will receive them at the end of June.

It is around this time every year, as people head into their summer vacation time, do they open up their stamp albums, pull out the year's accumulation of new stamps that they purchased.  Whether it is from the United States, Israel, Germany, the Vatican or Australia in the Antarctic!  They take some time, look at the new issues they have, put them neatly into their brand new supplement pages and really study them. 

Our SAFE-dual Hingeless Stamp Albums are truly second to none in the world.  You can see both sides of the stamp, there is plenty of room ot make notes on the background page.  And best of all, NO MOUNTS to CUT to size!  What a chore that used to be.

If you have not already converted your collection to our Hingeless Stamp Album system, why not start today with the 2014 Annual Supplements.  And just start from there.  You won't be sorry that you did!