Sunday, May 31, 2015

The supplements are coming...the supplements are coming!

No, not the British.  The annual SAFE Supplements to our hingeless country stamp albums are finally in route from Germany.  You can pre order the 2014 Annual Supplements on our website so that you will receive them at the end of June.

It is around this time every year, as people head into their summer vacation time, do they open up their stamp albums, pull out the year's accumulation of new stamps that they purchased.  Whether it is from the United States, Israel, Germany, the Vatican or Australia in the Antarctic!  They take some time, look at the new issues they have, put them neatly into their brand new supplement pages and really study them. 

Our SAFE-dual Hingeless Stamp Albums are truly second to none in the world.  You can see both sides of the stamp, there is plenty of room ot make notes on the background page.  And best of all, NO MOUNTS to CUT to size!  What a chore that used to be.

If you have not already converted your collection to our Hingeless Stamp Album system, why not start today with the 2014 Annual Supplements.  And just start from there.  You won't be sorry that you did!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

5 Contemporary Tools That Every Philatelist (Stamp Collector) Should Be Using!

The art and study of stamp collecting is formally known as “Philately,” and Philatelists are individuals that excel in the study of stamp and postal history.  Technically, one doesn’t need to own a single stamp to be considered a Philatelist, but that’s no fun, right?
The hobby of stamp collecting has become increasingly focused on condition protection and quality preservation.  With new technology and materials being developed every year, SAFE® Collecting Supplies is dedicated to keeping with the times.  We are constantly updating our stock of stamp albums  and other great stamp collecting supplies for our customers in Pennsylvania and anywhere else nationwide. 
That being said let us recommend five tools we’ve seen that everyone ranging from beginner to fully-fledged philatelists will benefit from.  These tools will definitely come handy after you’ve chosen the right stamp album for your needs.
Stamp Tongs
Stamp tongs are no longer a one-size-fits-all tool.  Now, stamp collectors need a wide variety of tongs for different styles and sizes of stamps.  If you look, you’ll notice that there are many varied styles these days. 
These styles range from normal flat spade tips, to bent round tips, bent pointed tips, flat round tips, flat pointed tips, bent spade tips and more.  Each tong has advantages for different types and styles of stamps of assorted materials.
Ultraviolet (UV) Lamps
We offer a wide variety of UV lamps at SAFE Collecting Supplies.  This includes long-wave and short-wave UV lamps. UV lights are rated by their ultraviolet index signified by the “nm” symbol.  Long-wave UV is measured at 365nm and is the typical type of UV light used to authenticate paper, currency, some rocks, art and repair detection.  Short-wave UV, measured around 254nm, is used for many stamps, as well as, rocks and minerals, but only some foreign currency.

Because philatelists need both types of UV light for their collections, SAFE Collecting Supplies offers versatile UV Light products.  Our Philalux 3 UV Light Table has 3x and 12x magnification and includes a magnetic tester a fluorescent light table as well as both long-wave and short-wave UV lamps.

We also offer a wide variety of hand-held options.  We have handheld magnifiers that use long and short-wave UV lamps.  We have a wide selection of quality UV lamps of all sizes, whether you need them mounted to a desktop or handy in your pocket.  If you already have somewhere for magnification and illumination, you can benefit from our handheld, battery powered combination precision long and short-wave UV lamp.

Regardless of the specific type of UV lamp you need to complete your collection area, we have you covered.

Precision Rotary Cutters
While many use our Cutters to cut Stamp Mounts, they can also be used to remove a stamp from its’ original placement or environment.  This includes if a stamp is stuck to a postcard or even to its own album.  When you need to remove a stamp from its’ original envelope or from somewhere it’s been stuck, and you don’t want to risk an inaccurate cut with scissors and your naked eye, SAFE® Collecting Supplies has a great solution – precision rotary cutters

Precision rotary cutters are a great new tool for philatelists of all levels.  The rolling blade can cut several layers of paper without any serration in the cutting edge.  The device itself has easily readable grids and a plastic housing to ensure you only cut where you want to.  The device can also be used ambidextrously, so there’s no need to worry if you’re right or left-handed.

Electronic Perforation Gauges
Perforations, or “perfs” in a stamp are the little ridges that are found on the outside borders of stamps.  These perforations were originally devised to make it easier to separate the stamp from its booklet or wherever else it was originally sold out of.  

Often, perforations are a great indicator of rarity for a stamp.  Perforations on stamps are measured by how many perforations are found over a course of 2 centimeters.  Stamps with 10 perforations over 2 centimeters on a side would be considered “Perf 10”.  If one side had 10 perforations and another had 12, the stamp would be “Perf 10x12”.  To make this process simple for the philatelist, SAFE® Collecting Supplies provides affordable electronic perforation gauges, taking away the need for close visual analysis of perforations.  

Professional Watermark Detectors.
For years, the only way known to authenticate the watermark on a stamp was to place the stamp in watermark fluid.  This process can be terrifying for a philatelist, as it puts stamps at a great risk when they are exposed to any liquid, whether it’s water or a chemical.

At SAFE® Collecting Supplies, we know that collectors hold a special and often sentimental value to their collectibles.  This is true for stamp albums, coin collections or an arrangement of fluorescent rocks; it doesn’t matter.  We know that stamps can be quite valuable and are no exception to this.   
For this reason, we provide a great variety of professional watermark detectors.  With these detectors, philatelists can accurately and efficiently authenticate the watermarks on their stamps without compromising the quality or safety of their stamps. 

At SAFE® Collecting Supplies, we’re always trying to stay in touch with contemporary collecting methods and techniques.  As we find newer and better ways to protect collectibles, we don’t waste any time bringing these products and techniques to our customers.  To learn more about the benefits we provide to philatelists all over the United States, call us at SAFE® Collecting Supplies today at 877.395.SAFE (7233).  

We’ll be more than happy to talk to you about how we can help protect, preserve and even present & display your valued stamp collection.